X-Mouse Button Control versions

Configures the functionality of the mouse
Feb 27, 2015
Dec 6, 2014
Nov 16, 2014
Sep 27, 2014
Apr 30, 2014
Nov 19, 2013
Oct 5, 2013
Apr 19, 2013
Jun 24, 2012
Mar 5, 2012
Nov 19, 2011
Nov 14, 2011
Aug 30, 2011
Aug 15, 2011
Mar 27, 2011
Mar 30, 2010

What's new

v2.7 [Apr 30, 2014]
Version 2.7:
Shift to scroll horizontally not working in Chrome.
Invert Scrolling does not work when scroll window under cursor disabled.
Fixed some problems with internal event timers not being stopped in all cases.
Fixed crash when setting simulated keystrokes for a button that was previously set to another action.
Added code to skip checking the window under the cursor for fast repeated scrolls (to try and prevent system beeps).
Added option to pass the mouse click through along with simulated keystrokes (by default the mouse click is blocked).
Make "Disabled because of scroll lock" more visible by changing the icon and red text on setup GUI.
Add ability to detect and select Modern UI apps in window profiles.
Added ability to disable scroll window under cursor for specific profiles (ie METRO/Modern UI apps).
Added logging and error messages when the XML settings / import files are corrupt.
Fixed a bug when importing multiple profiles where only one would import at a time.
Fixed a problem causing RCTRL and RALT to send left CTRL/ALT not right.
Found and fixed a bug causing an incorrect/invalid language to be chosen, thus causing simulated keystrokes to fail.
Added Magnifier toggle action to open/close the magnify application.
Fixed scroll window under cursor in Process Explorer.
Modified code to try and fix problems when English keyboard not installed. Improved logging to help highlight any issues.
Fixed duplicate startup entry causing XMBC setup GUI to be opened on startup.
Added updated Traditional Chineese language pack & Updated some language templates and spelling errors.

v2.5 [Jun 24, 2012]
- Removed short delay when using scroll window up or down
- Fixed problems with Dvorak keyboard layouts
- Fixed crash when opening a language pack with the advanced settings tabs already open!
- Removed short delay when using mouse wheel drop down options
- Changed the version checking so it actually fires when requested, even if PC is left on or hibernated. Previously it only ever check when you launched XMBC!
- Fixed problem introduced in Beta 1 with Close (ALT F4) and a few other commands.
- Fixed problems when using High DPI on Vista/7
- Modified Advanced scrolling to detect if CTRL is held down so it sends default scroll messages for ZOOM support.
- Fixed problem with sticky "change movement to scroll" being reset when CTRL was pressed (CTRL and scroll is zoom so should not reset when CTRL is pressed, even with "Reset on any key" ticked).
- Added /layer:X command line option to start on/switch to specified layer.
- Fixed spelling mistake in language file (and GUI) reported by Liquid. Increased width of "Delay between simulated keystrokes" GUI element. Change 'Restore desktop icon &layout' text to fix translation conflict with context menu.
- Added CONTROL Click on the tray icon to "quick open" the profile folder.
- Added option to change layers by left clicking the system tray icon!
- Fix horizontal scrolling in explorer using method 1 by default!
- Improved the version checking routine so it actually checks at the correct interval even if PC & XMBC is left running.
- Added language example/template file to the installation so it is always up to date!

v2.4 [Mar 5, 2012]
Add ability to translate XMBC to other languages. A new file type *.xmbclp is used to provide translations.
Added sticky change movement to scroll action.
Fixed problem with erratic mouse when left click is reassigned, noticed in Windows 7 snipping tool but I think also related to other eratic reports.
Added option to invert horizontal scrolling
Added option to configure default delays used in simulated keystrokes in the advance settings tab
(this is not related to {WAIT}/{WAITMS} tags).
Converted the application to use Unicode strings internally to support future work to include language selection.
Added ability to save/restore Windows 7 desktop gadget positions when saving/restoring desktop icon positions.
Added option to adjust/specify CPU priority.
Modified to reset sticky buttons on key press as well as any button (when general setting enabled) NOTE: In the future I intend to make this a separate setting (for keys and buttons).
Added check-box to only match windows profiles if the window has no parent.
Fixed chrome/iron web drop-down/combo box scrolling.
Fixed problem with BACK/FORWARD (APPCOMMAND keys) in Remote Desktop sessions.

v2.3 [Nov 19, 2011]
Fixed a problem causing the active profile not to be highlighted in the setup window.
Fixed problem with "Scroll window under cursor" when tooltip windows popped up and blocked scrolling.
Added new simulated keystroke commands for toggling the state of num lock, caps lock & scroll lock:
Fixed problem with simulated keystrokes RSHIFT, RCTRL and RALT in during/Sticky mode. #80 Installer deletes old files before replacing with new ones (for easy downgrade in the future).
Fixed problem not finding process/windows because the name was in the wrong case in the settings.
Fixed case sensitivity problem when highlighting profiles in setup dialog.
Fixed problem with minimize actions not working as expected.
Added window handle to window finder dialog.
Modified repeat detection to handle messages 0ms apart.
Reduced calls to GetProcessName to try and optimize the code.
Added Windows Key and Apps key to the dropdown selection of layer modifer keys.
Added a message to the setup screen when disabled via scroll lock or remote desktop (#90).
Added "Sticky Left button (Click Drag) X Axis" and "Sticky Left button (Click Drag) Y Axis".
Added option to disable XMBC when connected via RDP (remote desktop).
Added "Change movement to scroll" option (universal scroll?).
Fixed {SPACE} tag does not work in simkeys (during mode).

Alternative downloads

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